October 2024 Community Newsletter
We are so glad you’ve chosen to live in Quartet. Our community is under development and each month we will send out a newsletter via email to update residents on what’s going on in the neighborhood, or remind you about rules, and share information. Please encourage neighbors to sign up for the newsletters as well, so they can stay updated. Please reach out to Kristen Lyons should you have any questions. We are looking forward to working with you all in building this beautiful community.
Happy Halloween
We hope everyone enjoys a safe and spook-tacular evening!! Please remember to trick-or-treat in numbers, bring lights so you can be seen by drivers, only go to homes with their lights on and avoid those that don’t. Please remember it’s also a school and work evening.
Please slow down! We should all drive slowly in neighborhoods, but our community has many turns and straightaways, as well as paths and bike lanes for pedestrians. This creates a scary combination, so please remind drivers in your home to slow down, and avoid distractions while driving, such as cell phones.
Exterior Lighting
As we head into fall, the days grow shorter, and it gets dark earlier. Homeowners are encouraged to make sure all exterior lights are on and working. This helps to keep our community visible and safe.
Fall Maintenance
It’s time to start cleaning up leaves as they drop. Please try to clean these up regularly, so they are not left to blow all into your neighbor’s yards. Don’t let your plants or trees block signs or corners. This is for safety. Our yards are part of the first impressions of the community, so please keep them up.
Holiday Decorations
It’s that time of year when so many people decorate for the holidays. We love to see all the festivity! However, we ask that you remember temporary holiday decorations may be installed 30 days prior to the holiday and should be removed within 30 days after the holiday, vendor scheduling and weather permitting.
Reserving the Clubhouse
We have a beautiful clubhouse available for reservations. To make a reservation, check the calendar online and then fill out the Clubhouse Reservation form. Once submitted, you will receive confirmation of the reservation.
Snow Removal
Snow is just around the corner. Make sure you do not push snow from your sidewalks and driveways into the streets. Snow should go on your lawns, and if you are near a street drain, please be sure to keep it clear.
Advisory Committee
We’d like to start an Advisory Committee in Quartet. This is a volunteer committee made up of residents that want to represent the community, similar to a Board. The group will meet with Brighton to review finances, maintenance, and requests from the community, and give suggestions and feedback. We understand that each community is unique because of its residents and establishing a committee like this helps us to understand and make sure residents can be heard. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Kristen Lyons.
Upcoming Events
We’re always looking for volunteers to help organize fun events in the community. If you’re interested, please reach out to Kristen Lyons.